My Journey Begins

The Decision Is Made

Once the decision is made, there’s really no going back. Sure you can cancel the plan(s), re-purchase everything you gave away or sold, and quit that relationship or job you were heading to for this journey but….why would you want to?! Even though I’m in my early 30’s, I know that this is where my life should be going next.

When it comes to moving abroad, so many people have done it in their lifetime. I, however, was never one of them but have often dreamed of all of the traveling I wanted to do. I didn’t want to do the semester abroad in college because it was so much more expensive – loans are brutal. Growing up with just the basics meant only one trip in my childhood for the family that we had and I remember from when I was about 8.

Maybe that’s the trip that injected my travel bug. Maybe it was my grandparents who traveled and lived elsewhere in their lifetime and encouraged me to do the same. Whatever it was, I felt it beneficial to record my journey for whomever it may encourage, help, or inspire.


….Is not my strong suit. I’m a planner (thank you Mom). I make sure things are prepared before I do much of anything, so deciding to move halfway around the world was a VERY long process. One of “pro vs con” lists, discussions with close friends, soul searching, and lots and lots of research. Not to mention the many discussions with the person who happens to be the biggest reason for this specific move and location.

These kinds of evaluations are imperative to me because of my personality especially, but also for the reassurance to myself and others when asked the questions I should have asked before making a big decision. Even little things like, oh I don’t know, where I’ll live.

At first I kind of had the notion that: I’ve moved from LA to San Diego before, what’s the difference?

Turns out, it’s a huge difference!

The Process Begins

Getting into the whole process of figuring out the steps was extremely involved. I want to thank Tendelle, the person who wrote the article: Dutch American Friendship Treaty: 10 Step Guide to Getting the Self Employment Permit in the Netherlands.

If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t have had the slightest idea where to even start. From there, I did my own research and made phone calls to ensure that this was still the process from a year prior and it was! I have now begun to follow her steps and am on my way to moving confidently, safely, and legally.

I hope you join me on this journey of self-discovery, minimalism, and technical aspects of this process I may have never even thought about!


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